Welcome to Kiwanis Club of Denver — one of the oldest Kiwanis clubs in the world! Our club is dedicated to shaping a brighter tomorrow for Denver’s children and communities through 100+ years of service. We are devoted to serving our local community through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives.
Our club is a mix of generations serving the greater Denver area, with hundreds of hours volunteering in our community and thousands of dollars donated to nonprofits every year. We are passionate about making Denver and the world a better place for children to thrive. We can’t wait for you to join us!
What’s Kiwanis?
Kids need adults who care. That’s why people join Kiwanis clubs. They’re local groups of like-minded volunteers who make a difference. Friends. Neighbors. Anyone who loves serving together to change children’s lives. In fact, Kiwanians are part of a global network of clubs and members who partner with each other and with organizations whose missions align with ours. All around the world — and in communities like yours — Kiwanis International is serving the kids who need us most.
Here’s a quick video with more information:
Interested in learning more? Explore our website or email us at [email protected].
Kiwanis Club of Denver
Welcome to Kiwanis Club of Denver — one of the oldest Kiwanis clubs in the world! Our club is dedicated to shaping a brighter tomorrow for Denver’s children and communities through 100+ years of service. We are devoted to serving our local community through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives.
Our club is a mix of generations serving the greater Denver area, with hundreds of hours volunteering in our community and thousands of dollars donated to nonprofits every year. We are passionate about making Denver and the world a better place for children to thrive. We can’t wait for you to join us!
What’s Kiwanis?
Kids need adults who care. That’s why people join Kiwanis clubs. They’re local groups of like-minded volunteers who make a difference. Friends. Neighbors. Anyone who loves serving together to change children’s lives. In fact, Kiwanians are part of a global network of clubs and members who partner with each other and with organizations whose missions align with ours. All around the world — and in communities like yours — Kiwanis International is serving the kids who need us most.
Here’s a quick video with more information:
Interested in learning more? Explore our website or email us at [email protected].
Facebook Posts
Upcoming events
CO Feeding Kids: Third Saturday Open Pack
Volunteer: Sort & match shoes with Soles4Souls
CO Feeding Kids: Third Saturday Open Pack
Club anniversary! Founded Feb 2, 1918